Urban Troubador

McGuinness has the razor-sharp kitchen-sink observation of Jamie T, the peppiness of Jack Penate and the madcap instrumentation (carousel and xylophone, anyone?) of a Patrick Wolf. Englishness permeates his lyrics , namechecking "endless English rain" and mindless daytime TV on his first single Monsters Under The Bed, or telling a cautionary tale of one of Liverpool's less salubrious thoroughfares on the Myrtle Parade and suburban life on Bold Street.
This close to becoming mainstream (though the swearing probably doesn’t make him that radio friendly), Eugene unleashes first full-length album, The Early Learnings Of Eugene McGuinness next month.
MP3: Eugene McGuiness – Monsters Under The Bed (expired)
MP3: Eugene McGuiness – A Child Lost In Tesco (expired)
Great read thannks
January 27, 2024 3:30 am
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